Saturday, May 3, 2008


I took my IELTS test today.

Why? Why can't I not have taken the test? Why does everyone give me the same answer when I tell them 
I'm taking the test.
Is it that unbelievable?

I did Listening, Reading and Writing all in one 2 and a half hour session. Did my Speaking test the previous day. One thing that surprised me, was the number of adults taking this test. I'm not saying that I'm still young or anything, but it was kinda weird seeing 30 yr old 'Ahn-tees' with their incrdibly flashy hand-bags, waiting around to take the test. Wonder what's the band score needed to be a qualified housewife?

Moving on...


It was all going well up till the end. This Australian lecturer was talking about the Rainbow Serpent in Aboriginal art. Apparently the Aboriginal art period can be divided into 3 main periods. Dynamic, Yam and Modern. Hmmmm, Yam. Explains alot why most people are naked in the paintings (Yam can be read as 'Yum': Cantonese for, gahhh, forget it...) Anyways, the woman on the radio was banging on about how the Rainbow Serpent was thought to be a culmination of a kangaroo, snake and crocodile. A picture suddenlyappeared in my mind: Barney with a forked tongue hopping around going "G'day mate!". Then I realised Barney was actually a dinosaur. And that he was purple. And that he was too cheery for his own good, the optimistic bastard. At the same time that my mind was thinking up ways to 'extinct' Barney for good, I missed the answer for question 35. 
Luckily I managed to 'fluke' my way through that. 

Me: 1    Barney: Dead

Next up was Reading. Surprisingly challenging I must say. Had to read and re-read the passages to filter out the answers. Correct answers that is, nearly got fooled by the sly way the questions were asked. All in all, I managed to 
sneak in 10 min of sleep after I finished.

Finally, Writing. They gave us an hour to complete 2 essays. 20 in was allocated for the first essay, an 'examine graphic, write essay' question. Done. Next was an argumentative essay. "Should rich countries refuse employment to skilled workers like doctors, 
engineers and scientists from poor countries, as the poor countries 
need them more"
This was a real brain-teaser. How do you keep a man's desire to live the American Dream without causing the economic and social downfall of his native country? Obviously, this wasn't a question that could be solved by writing a 250 word essay in an English profficiency test. So I did what I always do: present some half-true fact, elaborate on it the best I can, make a relevant suggestion and draw a conclusion similair to my opening statement. Great Success!!

I was kinda happy that the test was over. Now I can tell everyone that I've taken the test and 
it won't be like discovering that the Earth is actually flat. 

Results come out on the 16th. Dont jinx it!!

Peace out...

1 comment:

geviana said...

haha. it's not that u can't take the test thur! it's just that sometime ago i heard u say ielts is no use and no point taking it.. DENG!! haha.. but congratz anyways!! *cheers*