Thursday, May 1, 2008

Learning From Others

Recently, I've been helping my friends out with their various asignments. We have the straight-forward and honestly, dull reading reports and the more challenging literature analaysis. It's really hard work with me stuck in front of the computer, racking my brains and dividing my train of thoughts in two because I'm helping 2 different people doing 2 different assignments simultaneously. At the same time, my mom keeps popping over, asking what exactly am I doing and suggests that if it isn't school stuff, I should be upstairs studying.

How do I tell her I'm actually helping someone else with their assignments? I chose the most rational approach....

I lied. I convinced her that the documents lying before me are of the utmost importance and that by completing them, I can excel in my class. Whew....

Anyways, I did some heavy literature stuff, you know, poems and stuff. Learned alot from helping friends thats for sure. Terms like 'alliteration' and 'enjambment' were foreign to me until I embarked on my quest to help others. Do you know what they mean? Weren't so helpful towards your friends now were ya?

I relish the fact that my services are needed and valued by others. There is a rewarding sensation that you get when you manage to actually help someone.

Charity rulez!!

Oi! Back to work....


Pheobe said...

zZz.. i've been burning the midnight oil for mine.. -_-"
haha.. im writing craps.. k then.. happy holidays..^^

Sweetie said...

Oh yeah, thanks Arthur for helping ah boon! I s'pose to help him but I forgot >< so lame right? Oh yeah whats your email address? I need to send you the pictures which we took the other day =P

Bert said...

HAha..... your posts really funny leh, keep up on the posting, I hope... as long as it doesn't turn into one of your "to do" things labeled as UTMOST IMPORTANCE, haha

Arthur said...

Haha, thx Bert... Ur posts r really funny too, keep up the good work...

Charlene: My add is Haha, sry for making u believe i was leaving yea...