Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love Apple but hate Steve Jobs

So I'm checking my mail and I see a notification from Apple saying that they've come out with the new generations of the iPod Touch and Nano.

What? I just got my Touch like, 6 months ago and they've introduced a new one?? 

Plus, I just updated the software to version 2.0 last month for USD 9.99. Now they say you can buy the version 2.1 for, you guessed it, another 9.99 'only'. Shit.

The thing that pisses me off is, they release a 'completely new' version, yet they've only added a few new (and honestly, useless) features and changed some buttons, that's all. Why couldn't they have just added it right in the beginning? They keep adding little things to their products and calling them new. So when you've bought the "All New, Right Off The Shelf" iPod, it's already outdated.

Steve Jobs should be crucified. Maybe then we'd be satisfied with the iPod's and Mac's we've already got. Then again, who can resist the allure of a sleek and easy-to-use MP3 player. I certainly can't. He's a smart man Steve. He's targeted our main weakness and used it to market his products : Laziness. Everything Apple is so convenient and stress-free. Everything is just one button away. Like the iPod, all u have to do is tap, tap and tap then you're listening to your favorite song. The scroll (Nano) and touch-screen interface is so easy to use. 

Have you seen some of the players out there?? You have to press a a whole bunch of buttons and you still can't find the song you want. No wonder the market is saturated with iPod's. 

I bought a MacBook recently. Let's see how long it takes for a "new" version to come out.

I hate Steve Jobs.

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