Sunday, September 21, 2008

Comments, where art Thou??

Haizz.... Another boring week... Nth but studying and doing past year papers. Stupid Trials.

However, I did manage to watch the latest DVD Rip of Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and Speed Racer. Heheheh.

For those who have yet to watch Iron Man, watch it NOW!!! NOW I TELLS 'YA!! I can barely express how cool this movie is. I always end up in a puddle of my own drool from just thinking about how great it would be if I were Tony Stark. Proves you don't have to fall into a vat of toxic waste to be a superhero, just tons of cash.  

The Hulk on the other hand, not so cool. Here's a guy who turns into a gigantic oaf with a 2 word vocabulary. All he says in the movie besides roaring and growling is "Hulk!" and "Smash!", which is kinda lame when all he CAN do is smash things up. Couldn't he have said 'destroy' instead? It sounds more..... educated. Anyways, it was still entertaining and the plot had more substance than Iron Man to be honest. Most of all, it created a new backstory without having to actually tell you how B. Banner became The Hulk, which as we all know was a freak accident blah blah blah.

Speed Racer. I only watched it because I was a big fan of the animated series back when I was little. It felt like watching a 2 hr long cartoon. They worked really hard to retain the 60's feel of the cartoon which was evident from the cars and colorful special effects. The plot was classic Hollywood success story. Boy has amazing talent. Boy manages to show the world how good he is. Boy meets with challenges and roadblocks. Boy triumphs over evil corporation and gets the girl. I could already guess the ending 15 min into the movie, the part when the Racer family was touring the factory. They did manage to put in a few relevant themes like auto racing has become a big advertisement board for corporate sponsors to promote their names.  Then again, this movie is for children and children nowadays only enjoy watching stuff explode.... Hmmm...

I think super hero movies can still capture our interest, what with the advancements in science and technology. I mean we know that with those levels of Gamma radiation, Bruce Banner would have been thoroughly dead before he'd even manage to switch the machine off. And the Iron Man armor, powered by a miniature Arc Reactor? Everyone knows that to produce energy, fuel must be spent and waste products are formed. I din know that "Arc's" could be "Reacted".

Yet, I don't really care. You can't watch these kind of movies thinking all the time, "How does he do that?" or "That's not right!". You watch these movies because they bring out the child in you and spur your imagination. I mean, where would technology be if we had scientists with no imaginations?

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