Monday, November 2, 2009

WTF Moments

Ever seen something so ridiculous, so stupid, so absurd that all you can say is 'WTF?'. Oh man, these things happen all the time to me, too often. I don't know why I always seem to catch people in their WTF Moments. Todays WTF Moment : Toto (incl. 88, STC etc.)

Okay, I'm not going to be talking about WHY people buy Toto 'cause we all know that'll remain the greatest mystery of the civilized world. It's the people who buy Toto that are my main concern. I mean, its okay if you're an uncle and like to spend/waste/burn RM5 once a week. But when you see mothers and fathers bringing their children along to buy Toto, there's something wrong with that scene. Something very wrong. I heard this little girl, about 6 or 7 years old, yelling out numbers for her dad to bet on. "Daddy, daddy. Buy 11, 27, 14 and 4, ok?" (in Hakka, and no, I am not making this up)


Is it just me or are parents getting dumber and dumber-er? I have nothing against people having a little faith (a little too much, if you ask me) and trying their luck. I mean seriously, how does it reflect on your parenting skills when you've resorted to seeking advice from your child. Honestly, the standard of parenting has really gone down. You see these parents, barely out of high school, TRYING to bring up 3 children. Three!!! It comes to the point where its just selfish for them to have children. You KNOW they have no future, not that I'm being an asshole or anything, but you can definitely tell.

Well, that's my WTF Moment for today. Probably post something on teenage parents some other time. I know we're all thinking the same thing: There should be a law against these people from having children or even intercourse for that matter. Please don't ask your children to come up with numbers for you, its just plain embarrassing.

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