Thursday, October 29, 2009

You Don't Really Want to Know What I Think

Finally, made it a point to create a new post. I'm surprised they haven't cancelled my account yet.

Anyways, what I'm about to discuss is a topic some might think sensitive and possibly racist. I want to stress the fact that these are opinions based on my observations, knowledge and personal values ONLY. I would also recommend that the comments (if any, don't want to be perasan =P) be kept kosher and sterile, like operating theatre sterile. I would also like to say, due to the subject matter, there will be no profanity, sarcasm or fun-making. Sorry to disappoint, I know this is not my usual fare.

So, I got an SMS from my service provider, Maxis. I deleted the message shortly after but it has been bugging me for a while now. In essence, Maxis was doing a survey in conjunction with the recently announced national unity slogan of our esteemed Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib (I'm not familiar with his last name, so I guess this would have to do) : Satu Malaysia or One Malaysia. I was given the opportunity to express my opinion on how this slogan could be realistically implemented in Malaysian society, me of all people! I was seriously considering replying the text message. However, boys and girls, once something is in writing, you cannot escape responsibility NO MATTER how you try to spin it.

However, does that mean we should keep quiet just to avoid the repercussions, if any, of our actions? The truth is not always pleasant, and telling it is not always the easiest thing to do. I think the first step to national, social and even racial unity is the abolishment of the hak istimewa awarded to bumiputra's. I mean, its called survival of the fittest for a reason. Evolution made sure every species fought for its right to live and survive. It didn't make any exceptions for anyone. Giving special privileges to a certain group of people is going to cause problems. First off, humans are jealous in nature, even the goody-est of the goody two shoes. I know the current situation isn't like Apartheid or anything like that, but it still causes rifts between the bumiputra's and non-bumiputra's. That, from a developing country's point of view, is never worth sacrificing unity for. Malaysians should be working together to accomplish a single and shared goal and not be divided by this issue. A compromise resulting in equal rights for ALL MALAYSIANS would be a great leap forward in realizing Satu Malaysia.

The next thing that has to go is the Internal Security Act (ISA). It was implemented by the British, our colonial rulers to counter the Communist insurgency post-WWII. Essentially, it dictates that the government has the right to detain anyone without the need for trial in certain defined circumstances. Malaysia is one of the few countries in the world whose Constitution allows preventive detention DURING PEACETIME without safeguards that elsewhere are understood to be basic requirements for protecting fundamental human rights. Since there isn't a war going on and the Iron Curtain collapsed decades ago, how's about abolishing this redundant policy eh? Ever since the Communists gave up, the ISA has been used by the country's upper echelons to silence and control citizens who voice out their opinions a bit too loudly. I'm sure we've all heard stories about that.

Finally, by securing equal rights for every Malaysian, there will be no debate about the abilities and performance of the bumiputras. By letting them compete fairly with everyone else, their accomplishments won't be dismissed as a lesser form by the other non-bumiputra minorities and the country will be able to move forward the way it should : Deserving individuals getting the best their country has to offer. It certainly provides an incentive to all Malaysians to perform better and achieve more in life.

Before I get ISA-ed, I would like to commend the Federal Government for finally recognizing the 16th of September as Malaysia Day starting from 2010. It means a lot to us Sabahan's and Sarawakian's.

Every country has its problems. Shouldn't they be dealt head on? Peace and unity people, that's all that really matters. If we can't even get along with each other, forget building a functioning society or prosperous nation.


kHeR cHinG said...

you should really take Law Course into consideration!
Nice article! Persuasive!! =)

Bert said...

Wow.... nicely said.

I really have to agree about the bumi laws. They're just overdoing it. That's why East M'sia is still so underdeveloped till today. Coz the West M'sians are all afraid, and suppressed by the bloody so-called 'priviledge' given to bumi's here.

Seriously, all west m'sians are only given a 3 month period here if they ain't here for any business lol. And EVEN if they're actually working, they have to renew their work permit EVERY YEAR.

It's like "Get the hell out of here if you don't have business with us".


Arthur said...

yea, they have to renew their work pass every year.. in a way its supposed to help the locals preserve their jobs.. then again, on the other hand the locals are giving up their jobs so easily cuz they're just too damn lazy.. I just watched a news excerpt from Al-Jazeera, literally portraying us heartlessly kicking out illegal immigrants from the Philippines...

That's fucked up..