Saturday, April 18, 2009

Chaos Theory

Okay, so the Earth has been here for like 4.5 billion years. Life started to appear about a billion years later. The dinosaurs came and went. Tectonic shifts and massive earthquakes shaped the continents and formed oceans. Throughout all the turmoil and natural disasters, life on Earth was put to the test. Survival of the fittest. Evolve, or die. Scientist's hypothesize that of all the species of animals present on Earth today, they are collectively only 0.05% of the species that existed 3.5 billion years ago.

So here's my gripe, why the hell did the stupid, puny and annoying mosquito survive? God is a funny guy. Ha-ha, very funny.

You're sleeping. You finally get yourself into a comfortable position. Just when you're about to fall asleep, the sneaky bastards unleash all sorts of hell. The irritating buzz, false landings on your skin (forcing yourself to take the bait and smack yourself) and 'love bites' they leave after the free buffet. When you finally can't take it anymore and whip out the Ridsect Goodnight, you're wide awake and out for revenge. Filling the room with aerosol spray, you shout "Die f*ckers!! Dieeeeeee!!!". In the end, you realize that it was only one measly mosquito that provoked WW3.

So what exactly IS the purpose of the mosquito in nature? Bees pollinate flowers so we can have food all year round, what has the mosquito ever done besides being useless? (You can't even eat them!) Here's the description for the mosquito on Wikipedia:

"The females of most mosquito species suck blood (hematophagy) from other animals, which has made them the deadliest disease vector known, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of infectious diseases."

There you have it. It's a remorseless, purpose built killer to keep the human population in check. Oh thank you, thank you so much. Like we don't have enough diseases going around, you have to just go on and accelerate the process.

*Smack*- Result.

Even if mosquitos died out eons ago, would it really make a difference today? I say screw 'em. Good riddance. Hooray for sound and undisturbed sleep the world over. Then again, when you really think about it, 3 billion years of random but controlled evolution produced the mosquito, enabling it to disturb and annoy your slumber millions of years later. Instantly, you realize you're part of history. Yet you know your life is not significant enough to write a book about, so you blog. Sad isn't it?


Boon said...

the topic are same with pheo recently one...

all related to the mosquito eh...

Winston said...

dude, your blog's actually inneresting hehe. update more if you can yah! oh pssst, i jz recently started bloggin too! haha. hope you're well. cheers dude.

its chua btw

Pheobe said...

haha. i just realised u posted almost the same topic with what i did on the same day.

im still healing from mosquito swellings.. hate to say that. haha.

Steam said...

false kissing and love bites.. great one~! whats coming up next? global warming?