Tuesday, April 29, 2008

English. . .

I'm tired. It's 8:53 pm (+8GMT) and my eyes are beginning to water.

I've read the article placed in front of me about a million times and I have tirelessly gone through it searching for elusive "isi-isi tersirat's". My mind wanders momentarily...

Man I wished I took my IELT's.

What, on God's good Earth is the point of this stupid reading project? Apparently I'm too pissed about it that I'm writing a blog entry rather than completing my assignment. Why? Why? It's all just so that you can see us suffer isn't it? Who the hell cares what we think about the article? The entire point of an article is to inform people, not publish it and wait for people to start mailing their opinions in. If that were the case, our magazines would never be complete.

It wouldn't be that bad if we actually had someone competent to guide us through this nightmare. Unfortunately, we have Alice. Alice really seems to be trapped in her litlle own perfect Wonderland where everyone must be subjected to her endless nagging. Imagine you have an itch on your hand. Obviously you'd want to scratch it. But! You realise someone has bound your hands, preventing you from relieveing your itching!

Now imagine that endless agony times 10.
Get the idea? That's what it's like to listen to Alice's lectures.

Alice Wong from I.S.-land : She will nag the crap out of you. 

Annoying is an understatement. 

Maybe I'm just stubborn. Maybe I'd really learn something from this project. Calm down Arthur, take a deep breath and look at the article again.....

*Beeeeeep*  *Beeep* *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*

Screw this, I actually have a life thank you very much.

I want an M3!!!


I shouldn't have let myself stray into the endless hours of videos provided by YouTube. Watched a test drive of the all new 2008 BMW M3. I was instantly hooked,I just couldn't take my eyes off of those flowing lines, aggresive front grille and that sexy side
profile. The experience was almost sensual..............................

I'm a boy, whaddya expect? 

M3, tell me when will you be mine? 
Tell me quando quando quuuaaaaandooooo...

Just so you know what I'm on about, here are some pictures. 

Be mesmerised. Please? 





Just so I don't get sued and have to live in a cardboard box 5 years from now, all pictures were taken from www.supercars.net

Monday, April 28, 2008

Life in I.S.

Life in I.S. sucks...

They make you wear uniforms made from discarded tablecloth material with designs smilair to those worn by Burger King attendants. As everyone knows, tablecloths are good for protecting your table from spilled drinks, hot soup and wet plates. Basically, it doesn't absorb moisture so that your table stays clean and dry. Now imagine wearing a tablecloth in KK where the average daytime temperature is 31-33 degrees. Great, I can keep my surroundings clean and dry. Yip-pee...

Who the hell designed this so-called I.S. uniform? And what the hell were they thinking? Don't even get me started on the pants. I.S uniform: Excellent for walking in the rain, not so great for wearing to school everyday.

You'd think that being in a pre-University institute you'd be learning more University-ish stuff right? Wrong! Moral studies is still included in the syllabus with the dreaded Angie Chau at the helm of the People-Can-Actually-Learn-Morality-From-A-Book liberation front, here to free us all from our immorality by preaching from a 67 page book that summarises human morals into different values.

Yeah. Right. I'm here to do my A-lvl's. To hell with everything else. Period.

I.S. = Cheap place to do A-lvls ≠ Great place to do A-lvl's