Thursday, November 27, 2008

Back From The Dead

Yay, I finally finished my A-levels!!! Ok, to be honest, they actually ended a week ago. So, having so much free time right now, I decided to revive my dormant blog. Yes, that's right. Be prepared to be barraged with useless and utterly pointless crap.

Just to get the ball rolling, here's something really interesting, something you'll never know until you experience it yourself. My MacBook died. Yeap, it just refused to load the login screen. It was much happier to display a grey screen and process God knows what (you haven't even started up you bastard!) then restart itself. This coming from a supposedly unbreakable computer. Plus, it was barely 2 months old.

Anyways, I got it fixed and its back to being awesome. Apparently it was a software problem and it had to be archived and reformatted. Quick fix. The really scary it was when you have not much experience with Mac OS and it goes ballistic. Where do I even start? Thank God for geeks, they're a life-saver.

So, that's all for now and remember to treat your geeks right. They just might save your ass.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm sure all you have had ulcers before, you know, the kind that forms in your mouth and hurts like hell every time you touch it. Problem is, it's impossible not to touch it 'cause it comes in constant contact with your teeth. It even hurts when you 'detach' it from your teeth. 

I've got an ulcer, on my throat..... God help me.

You know the thing you do when you've got an ulcer? The thing where you try to chew using one side to avoid the various acids and salts in food from agitating the ulcer? Doesn't work when its on your THROAT!! Even when its thoroughly liquified and gooey, the food still manages to brush past the ulcer like sandpaper on wood. If you're wondering, then YES! IT HURTS!!! LIKE A *beep*beep* in a *beeeeeeeeeeeeeep*.

Haizzz... Any suggestions on how to get ulcers to heal faster? I tried applying Bonjela to it but its so far in my mouth I always gag when I poke my finger in there. Nearly vomited the last time. Right now, I'm trying out the 'gargle salt water' method. Please! For the love of God! End my sufferings!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Comments, where art Thou??

Haizz.... Another boring week... Nth but studying and doing past year papers. Stupid Trials.

However, I did manage to watch the latest DVD Rip of Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk and Speed Racer. Heheheh.

For those who have yet to watch Iron Man, watch it NOW!!! NOW I TELLS 'YA!! I can barely express how cool this movie is. I always end up in a puddle of my own drool from just thinking about how great it would be if I were Tony Stark. Proves you don't have to fall into a vat of toxic waste to be a superhero, just tons of cash.  

The Hulk on the other hand, not so cool. Here's a guy who turns into a gigantic oaf with a 2 word vocabulary. All he says in the movie besides roaring and growling is "Hulk!" and "Smash!", which is kinda lame when all he CAN do is smash things up. Couldn't he have said 'destroy' instead? It sounds more..... educated. Anyways, it was still entertaining and the plot had more substance than Iron Man to be honest. Most of all, it created a new backstory without having to actually tell you how B. Banner became The Hulk, which as we all know was a freak accident blah blah blah.

Speed Racer. I only watched it because I was a big fan of the animated series back when I was little. It felt like watching a 2 hr long cartoon. They worked really hard to retain the 60's feel of the cartoon which was evident from the cars and colorful special effects. The plot was classic Hollywood success story. Boy has amazing talent. Boy manages to show the world how good he is. Boy meets with challenges and roadblocks. Boy triumphs over evil corporation and gets the girl. I could already guess the ending 15 min into the movie, the part when the Racer family was touring the factory. They did manage to put in a few relevant themes like auto racing has become a big advertisement board for corporate sponsors to promote their names.  Then again, this movie is for children and children nowadays only enjoy watching stuff explode.... Hmmm...

I think super hero movies can still capture our interest, what with the advancements in science and technology. I mean we know that with those levels of Gamma radiation, Bruce Banner would have been thoroughly dead before he'd even manage to switch the machine off. And the Iron Man armor, powered by a miniature Arc Reactor? Everyone knows that to produce energy, fuel must be spent and waste products are formed. I din know that "Arc's" could be "Reacted".

Yet, I don't really care. You can't watch these kind of movies thinking all the time, "How does he do that?" or "That's not right!". You watch these movies because they bring out the child in you and spur your imagination. I mean, where would technology be if we had scientists with no imaginations?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love Apple but hate Steve Jobs

So I'm checking my mail and I see a notification from Apple saying that they've come out with the new generations of the iPod Touch and Nano.

What? I just got my Touch like, 6 months ago and they've introduced a new one?? 

Plus, I just updated the software to version 2.0 last month for USD 9.99. Now they say you can buy the version 2.1 for, you guessed it, another 9.99 'only'. Shit.

The thing that pisses me off is, they release a 'completely new' version, yet they've only added a few new (and honestly, useless) features and changed some buttons, that's all. Why couldn't they have just added it right in the beginning? They keep adding little things to their products and calling them new. So when you've bought the "All New, Right Off The Shelf" iPod, it's already outdated.

Steve Jobs should be crucified. Maybe then we'd be satisfied with the iPod's and Mac's we've already got. Then again, who can resist the allure of a sleek and easy-to-use MP3 player. I certainly can't. He's a smart man Steve. He's targeted our main weakness and used it to market his products : Laziness. Everything Apple is so convenient and stress-free. Everything is just one button away. Like the iPod, all u have to do is tap, tap and tap then you're listening to your favorite song. The scroll (Nano) and touch-screen interface is so easy to use. 

Have you seen some of the players out there?? You have to press a a whole bunch of buttons and you still can't find the song you want. No wonder the market is saturated with iPod's. 

I bought a MacBook recently. Let's see how long it takes for a "new" version to come out.

I hate Steve Jobs.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Finally Back...

Well, I finally decided to update my blog. It's been quite while now, loads of stuff have happened during the past months. Right now, I'm gearing up for the dreaded A-Levels. Yup, they're just round the corner and have been haunting my dreams with horrible nightmares about preparing for the wrong exam or forgetting to show up for a exam.

Anyways, why update my blog today? Simple. 

Someone pissed me off.

I drive to school everyday and park my car at the house next to STTSS. I rented a spot, no shade for RM50 a month. Now boys and girls, when you pay for something, you expect everything to be for your convenience, right? I mean, you are paying money so that your car won't kena saman or get scratched. Most important of all, you're paying for peace of mind that your car is safe and will still be there when you get back.

Back to the retard who pissed me off.  So there I was, looking at my parking spot. Instead of MY car occupying MY space, some inconsiderate piece of shite decided to save himself the trouble of finding his own parking spot and decided to park in MY spot.

What the hell??!! And, AND!!! This wasn't the first time. In the past 3 months, 3 different people have parked in my parking spot. There are 7 spots there but the witless assholes always seem to like mine best. Why, I have no idea.

So this RAV-4 is in my space. What now? I did whatever an annoyed 19 year old teen driver would do. I blocked the aging Japanese "Round About Vehicle". I thought I'd teach the driver a lesson. Of all the available spaces, you just had to choose mine, didn't you? Well, I'm probably the only driver in the parking lot capable of such 'soi-ness', so too bad princess.

After school, I was kinda looking forward to seeing some guy waiting alongside his RAV-4 that was blocked, pacing up and down, calling his parents frantically, explaining why wasn't he home to do whatever it is that idiots do. Upon arriving at the parking lot, I saw no one. I thought he (a) got tired of waiting and stormed off or (b) was too scared to face me, knowing the 'reward' he'd get. So, I decided to let it slide. It was the first time the RAV-4 had parked in my spot anyways. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

But wait! Just as I was about to leave the place, 2 girls started walking in AND towards the RAV-4! 'Okay,' I thought to myself, 'if that RAV-4 belongs to one of them, she's gonna get it'.  I was observing them from my car, sunglasses on and the windows down, waiting for the lights on the RAV-4 to blink. I think they thought I was waiting for them to cross the lot before going off. 

Too wrong. 

"Excuse me, is this your car?" I asked.

Do you know what that ************* retard replied?? "Yeaaaaaaa", with the elongated 'a's', like she's wondering why would someone ask her that question when she'd so conveniently parked where she wasn't supposed to.

That did it. I told her that that space was mine. This is how the following conversation went:

Dumb Bitch: Oh, someone parked in my spot today.
Me: Then where should I park??

*Pause. Rendered speechless. Needs to come up with ridiculous answer/excuse*

DB: It was only for today. (The way she said it, it was like she had every right to park there)

Sensing this was one conversation I'd rather not have with someone of such poor social and cognitive skills, I decided to swallow all the abuses swelled up inside me. So, I said 'Only for today' and drove off, not before I pointed out the lack of an apology from her. (Hope you're proud Dear!!)

If the first words out of her were an apology instead of what she said, I'd be glad to forgive her but tell her not to park in my spot next time. Now, if I ever see her again, I'm definitely 'chot'-ing the shit out of her. You brought it upon yourself.

SA 901 Y. Jaga kau.


Friday, May 30, 2008

Chain Mail

You open your e-mail inbox. Your Streamyx is acting up, as usual and so it takes painstakingly long to load the god-damned page. You try to distract yourself from the unresponsive webpage. As the saying goes : "A watched web page never loads".

Finally, the screen shows some signs of life. Yes!! The ads have finished loading. You click on a friends name to read the e-mail he sent you. "Fw:Fw: Must Read!!!!". Wow, must be some really important stuff to have 1,2,3,4 - 4 exclamation marks. After yet another agonizing pause, the contents finally finish loading.

Instead of some sage advice like "Don't stand under a tree when there is a lightning storm" or "Don't take a phone call when you're charging your mobile phone", the e-mail contained stories of how complete strangers who read this message and deleted it ended up very dead. Apparently, if you didn't forward this e-mail, you'd be killed by a photocopy machine or you'd end up stabbing yourself 17 times before being run over by a car. Then, there's the story of how some lucky bastard actually believed the stories and forwarded the e-mail got rich or got a promotion or married the love of his life. Finally, came the threats and instructions that you must adhere to in order to escape a horrific end. *Yawn* Lame-O....

Please stop sending me chain mail. Your attempts to save your soul from eternal damnation are ultimately futile. Mankind has existed for millions of years, the Internet only caught on in the 90's, go figure. If our fates could be decided by sending an e-mail, we'd all be living the high life, don't you think. Shit, the only poor people in the world would be those who don't know how to use a computer.

Think before you send that chain letter on to me, it just might be the last thing you do. Cuz even if it said you were going to live a happy life, it can't stop me from WHOOPING YOUR SORRY ASS!!!

I hate chain mail. May the end of my shoe swiftly meet the squishy behind of those who forward them to me.


I had an epiphany. The worst thing about it was that it happened when I was just about to fall asleep. Ever since, its been bugging me so much I have to type it out and share it with friends and strangers alike. Here goes...

My brother is on a 1 month trip to KL to get his Visa sorted out and visit some of my relatives. My first thought was, FREEDOM. Finally, I could do what I wanted, drive myself to school and basically think for myself. Gone were the days where I had to wait for my bro to pick me up from school. Admittedly, he wasn't always late, but it really annoyed me when he was.

As any normal siblings, we'd often have petty squabbles. Sometime they could last for days. I'm not the aggressive type and I'd constantly be at a loss for witty comebacks. Sometimes I would get so pissed off I would vow never to speak to him again. That obviously never worked.

Back to my realization of Great Truth. I always thought that life after Abiel (my brother) would be really really sweet. No one to criticize me or rat me out. Life, as it were. would be quite enjoyable. However, I found that it was rather lonely without someone bursting into your room or hitting you for no apparent reason. That is when I realized, life from then on would never be the same again. Gone were the days when we could just fool around. We were making the transition into adulthood, and thus the stage was set for the brutal game called Life.

Nothing would ever be the same again. Once we leave our home to pursue our studies overseas, we won't know when we'll be able to meet again. It would be the last time we'd ever feel at home - at home. It's a really complicated feeling you get. You're familiar with your house and you know that this is your house yet you feel kinda detached from it, like you're just some guest in a hotel room you always stay in on business trips.

Then there's keeping in touch. I know there's Skype and what not but there definitely would be gaps in communications. I wouldn't say we're really close but me and my bro have this kindred understanding to 'chot' the shit out of random people, thus the mutual hatred we share for numerous things. Who knows whether we'd still share that interest 5 years down the line.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm finally growing up. After all those years as a kid, wishing I could grow up faster, I really wish that I could relive my high school years, especially Senior 1. Somehow, I found that particular year to be a really really good year. I wished I could have known everyone in school better, I wished I could have known my bro better, I wished I could have gotten to know my parents better. All I can pray for is that I can make-up for all those years taken for granted and get to spend more time with my family....

So, to those who are still in KK, cherish the time you have with your family. Friends are still important, but family comes first. After all, blood is always thicker than water.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Wow, its been that long since I posted?

Anyways, I got my IELTS results on Friday, as scheduled. Drove down to the British Council myself. Here it is:

Listening : 9

Reading : 9

Writing : 7.5

Speaking : 8

Overall Band Score : 8.5


Saturday, May 10, 2008

It's Saturday Night and..

..and There's Nothing Good on Astro. Damn you.

I've been flipping through the channels, not a single program caught my eye. What the hell? I'm paying to be entertained, not train the muscles in my index finger. Please! Please, put something good on the weekends. Everything interesting is on during the weekdays, its like the entire network is conspiring against me, forcing me to forsake my weekday revision timetable to make way for hours of TV.

Why? Why? WHY??!!

Maybe I should start my own cable company. I'll call it "Ass-tro", where customers pay for hours of programs that they would actually be interested in. Therefore you won't be able to 'get your ass of the couch' and hence, Ass-tro.

"Ass-tro, subscribe now and watch your cushions become flatter by the hour. Warning, known side effects include Numb-Bum. Please consult your physician before applying, we will not be held responsible for deformed buttocks."

Hope you're trembling in your shoes Astro. Once Ass-tro goes mainstream, you're toast.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Passion + Commitment = Results

Today is the worst day of my life...

My arms, are sore. S-O-R-E to the max. I can't even lift my finger to touch my nose without feeling my arm go stiff. Typing this post now, is a nightmare...

It all started 2 days ago. My brother decided it was time to impart his knowledge in weight training to me, the slightly overweight 18 year old. My argument has always been that 'muscles make me heavier' Obviously, that's getting quite old.

So, I decided to take weight loss seriously. The day before my arms gave out, I went swimming. Came home lightly toasted, my back emitting invisible heat waves. Not comfortable at all.

The next day, my bro coaxed me into going to the gym with him, with promises of a better physique. I started to get ideas and imagined myself looking slightly thinner and more buff. I liked it. A lot. So, I started out with a 15 minute stint on the treadmill. My main objective now is to lose the extra baggage before bulking up. No point building up muscles that can't be seen under years of fatty deposits, right?

Next came the weight training. Started off with a few sets of bench presses, with the bar only. Just the bar only weighs 20kgs. Man, my arms didn't like this training at all. After doing 2 sets, they started to tremble. 'Breath in when you flex!' said my brother. Then we did some inclined presses. Twice the fun, four times the pain and agony. Imagine having to lift the 20kg bar while lying down at a 45 degree angle to the bar. I was really about to give up. That was when my bro said you have three more exercises to do. *Sigh*

The session went by with me focusing on the biceps and upper body. By the end, my arms were stiff and in pain. They kept trembling and I was sure they'd just fall off. Thank God its all over.

Wait a minute, this is just the first session! Shit... If I knew losing weight was this hard, I'd have kept the weight off in the first place.

The next day, when my arms were still feeling sore, in all my wisdom, I decided to go play badminton. Wrong choice. After playing for 2 hours, I definitely over-stressed my arms. Waking up today, I couldn't really lift or move them. It's so agonizing to just brush my teeth. I kept letting out groans and moans. Never again, shall I so vigorously wear you out. I promise.

Now I have to make small movements whenever I have to move my hands so as not to stir the pain in my arms. No pain no gain I guess. Arghhh! I had to move the mouse...

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I took my IELTS test today.

Why? Why can't I not have taken the test? Why does everyone give me the same answer when I tell them 
I'm taking the test.
Is it that unbelievable?

I did Listening, Reading and Writing all in one 2 and a half hour session. Did my Speaking test the previous day. One thing that surprised me, was the number of adults taking this test. I'm not saying that I'm still young or anything, but it was kinda weird seeing 30 yr old 'Ahn-tees' with their incrdibly flashy hand-bags, waiting around to take the test. Wonder what's the band score needed to be a qualified housewife?

Moving on...


It was all going well up till the end. This Australian lecturer was talking about the Rainbow Serpent in Aboriginal art. Apparently the Aboriginal art period can be divided into 3 main periods. Dynamic, Yam and Modern. Hmmmm, Yam. Explains alot why most people are naked in the paintings (Yam can be read as 'Yum': Cantonese for, gahhh, forget it...) Anyways, the woman on the radio was banging on about how the Rainbow Serpent was thought to be a culmination of a kangaroo, snake and crocodile. A picture suddenlyappeared in my mind: Barney with a forked tongue hopping around going "G'day mate!". Then I realised Barney was actually a dinosaur. And that he was purple. And that he was too cheery for his own good, the optimistic bastard. At the same time that my mind was thinking up ways to 'extinct' Barney for good, I missed the answer for question 35. 
Luckily I managed to 'fluke' my way through that. 

Me: 1    Barney: Dead

Next up was Reading. Surprisingly challenging I must say. Had to read and re-read the passages to filter out the answers. Correct answers that is, nearly got fooled by the sly way the questions were asked. All in all, I managed to 
sneak in 10 min of sleep after I finished.

Finally, Writing. They gave us an hour to complete 2 essays. 20 in was allocated for the first essay, an 'examine graphic, write essay' question. Done. Next was an argumentative essay. "Should rich countries refuse employment to skilled workers like doctors, 
engineers and scientists from poor countries, as the poor countries 
need them more"
This was a real brain-teaser. How do you keep a man's desire to live the American Dream without causing the economic and social downfall of his native country? Obviously, this wasn't a question that could be solved by writing a 250 word essay in an English profficiency test. So I did what I always do: present some half-true fact, elaborate on it the best I can, make a relevant suggestion and draw a conclusion similair to my opening statement. Great Success!!

I was kinda happy that the test was over. Now I can tell everyone that I've taken the test and 
it won't be like discovering that the Earth is actually flat. 

Results come out on the 16th. Dont jinx it!!

Peace out...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Learning From Others

Recently, I've been helping my friends out with their various asignments. We have the straight-forward and honestly, dull reading reports and the more challenging literature analaysis. It's really hard work with me stuck in front of the computer, racking my brains and dividing my train of thoughts in two because I'm helping 2 different people doing 2 different assignments simultaneously. At the same time, my mom keeps popping over, asking what exactly am I doing and suggests that if it isn't school stuff, I should be upstairs studying.

How do I tell her I'm actually helping someone else with their assignments? I chose the most rational approach....

I lied. I convinced her that the documents lying before me are of the utmost importance and that by completing them, I can excel in my class. Whew....

Anyways, I did some heavy literature stuff, you know, poems and stuff. Learned alot from helping friends thats for sure. Terms like 'alliteration' and 'enjambment' were foreign to me until I embarked on my quest to help others. Do you know what they mean? Weren't so helpful towards your friends now were ya?

I relish the fact that my services are needed and valued by others. There is a rewarding sensation that you get when you manage to actually help someone.

Charity rulez!!

Oi! Back to work....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

English. . .

I'm tired. It's 8:53 pm (+8GMT) and my eyes are beginning to water.

I've read the article placed in front of me about a million times and I have tirelessly gone through it searching for elusive "isi-isi tersirat's". My mind wanders momentarily...

Man I wished I took my IELT's.

What, on God's good Earth is the point of this stupid reading project? Apparently I'm too pissed about it that I'm writing a blog entry rather than completing my assignment. Why? Why? It's all just so that you can see us suffer isn't it? Who the hell cares what we think about the article? The entire point of an article is to inform people, not publish it and wait for people to start mailing their opinions in. If that were the case, our magazines would never be complete.

It wouldn't be that bad if we actually had someone competent to guide us through this nightmare. Unfortunately, we have Alice. Alice really seems to be trapped in her litlle own perfect Wonderland where everyone must be subjected to her endless nagging. Imagine you have an itch on your hand. Obviously you'd want to scratch it. But! You realise someone has bound your hands, preventing you from relieveing your itching!

Now imagine that endless agony times 10.
Get the idea? That's what it's like to listen to Alice's lectures.

Alice Wong from I.S.-land : She will nag the crap out of you. 

Annoying is an understatement. 

Maybe I'm just stubborn. Maybe I'd really learn something from this project. Calm down Arthur, take a deep breath and look at the article again.....

*Beeeeeep*  *Beeep* *Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*

Screw this, I actually have a life thank you very much.

I want an M3!!!


I shouldn't have let myself stray into the endless hours of videos provided by YouTube. Watched a test drive of the all new 2008 BMW M3. I was instantly hooked,I just couldn't take my eyes off of those flowing lines, aggresive front grille and that sexy side
profile. The experience was almost sensual..............................

I'm a boy, whaddya expect? 

M3, tell me when will you be mine? 
Tell me quando quando quuuaaaaandooooo...

Just so you know what I'm on about, here are some pictures. 

Be mesmerised. Please? 





Just so I don't get sued and have to live in a cardboard box 5 years from now, all pictures were taken from

Monday, April 28, 2008

Life in I.S.

Life in I.S. sucks...

They make you wear uniforms made from discarded tablecloth material with designs smilair to those worn by Burger King attendants. As everyone knows, tablecloths are good for protecting your table from spilled drinks, hot soup and wet plates. Basically, it doesn't absorb moisture so that your table stays clean and dry. Now imagine wearing a tablecloth in KK where the average daytime temperature is 31-33 degrees. Great, I can keep my surroundings clean and dry. Yip-pee...

Who the hell designed this so-called I.S. uniform? And what the hell were they thinking? Don't even get me started on the pants. I.S uniform: Excellent for walking in the rain, not so great for wearing to school everyday.

You'd think that being in a pre-University institute you'd be learning more University-ish stuff right? Wrong! Moral studies is still included in the syllabus with the dreaded Angie Chau at the helm of the People-Can-Actually-Learn-Morality-From-A-Book liberation front, here to free us all from our immorality by preaching from a 67 page book that summarises human morals into different values.

Yeah. Right. I'm here to do my A-lvl's. To hell with everything else. Period.

I.S. = Cheap place to do A-lvls ≠ Great place to do A-lvl's